kidney cleanse tincture
*Tincture Formula ~ KIDNEY CLEANSE // LIMPIE RINONES (MORE INFO...)(65 ml refill)
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65 ml
Raven's Remedies
Holistic Health and Wellness
Natural Remedies
Wellness Essentials
organic herbs
Feria Tinamastes

Product Description

A powerful effective blend of herbs designed to break up kidney stones, prevent new ones from forming, cleanse and heal the bladder.

Dosage: 10-25 drops up to 3 times daily in water, juice or under the tongue. Take a break of 1 week after each 4 weeks of use.

Contains: Chancapiedra, Dandelion Root & Leaf, Uva Ursi, Plantain, Horsetail,  Parsley and Ginger in alcohol. All organic herbs.

Do Not Use if: Pregnant or nursing; with anticoagulant drugs; ulcers, gallstones or bile duct obstruction, chronic kidney or liver disease; Use caution with hypertension and statins.

Dosis: 10-25 gotas hasta 3 veces al día en agua, jugo o debajo de la lengua. Tome una pausa de 1 semana después de cada 4 semanas de uso.

Contiene: Chancapiedra, Raiz y Hoja de Diente de Leon, Uva Ursi, Llantén, Cola de Caballo, Perejil y Jengibre en alcohol. Hierbas orgánicas.

No Usar Si: Embarazada o lactante; con anticoagulants, enfermedad renal o hepática crónica; úlceras, cálculos biliares u obstrucción del conducto biliar. Tenga cuidado con la hipertensión y las estatinas.